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Beginner’s Guide To Keep A Baby’s Skin Healthy

 Baby's Skin

Your Baby May Be In a Perfect Condition But that doesn’t mean the skin is healthy too

Nothing can beat the soft and delicate skin of a baby just as a cranky infant can give you a constant headache after being irritated by diaper rash or any other skin condition including cradle cap. While your baby may be in a perfect condition, it is quite possible that the baby’s skin may not be healthy. Babies are regularly prone to skin irritation during the first months. You could be concerned about the cranky condition of your baby but you can find relief if you follow some of the tips we have provided in this article.

Baby’s Skin Is Prone To Rashes

 Baby's skin

You Need To Take Care of Baby Rashes before they become an issue

Baby rashes generally cause no harm and go away by themselves. You may consider caring for your baby’s skin a complicated matter but in reality, you just need to understand the following three things:

  • Which are the conditions you can attend to set home?
  • Which are the conditions that need medical treatment?
  • How can you prevent the skin problems from occurring regularly?

Dealing with Pimples And Whiteheads

Teenagers are not the only ones who develop acne. Babies are also prone to the problem. You may notice pimples on the baby’s cheeks and nose which will generally clear away in a few weeks. You do not need to treat this condition by using lotions or other products which may be available.


More than 10% of babies have birthmarks which are just skin discoloration. The baby may be born with a birthmark or it could develop some months later. Birthmarks should not be a cause for concern and generally, need no treatment. However, if you are worried about the birthmarks on your child you can have a discussion with a pediatrician.


Eczema is an itchy red rash which could be a response to a trigger. Babies that have a family history of asthma, allergies and Atopic dermatitis could be prone to this condition. Eczema will make an appearance in the face of the baby as a weepy rash but will become thick and scaly over a period of time. It also is visible on the elbows, chest, arms or behind the knees. Before trying to treat eczema you need to identify any triggers which may be causing it and use gentle soaps and detergents while applying moderate amounts of moisturizers to the skin of the baby. Severe cases of eczema should be treated with prescription medications provided by a pediatrician.

Dry Skin

If your baby has peeling and dry skin, it should not be a cause for concern because it is quite common among babies, especially the ones who are born late. You should only be concerned if the dry skin doesn’t go away and have a discussion with the baby’s pediatrician because normally, the underlying skin is perfectly moist, healthy and soft.

Prickly Heat Can Cause Irritation To the baby’s Skin

Prickly heat usually appears on parts of the baby’s body which is prone to sweating such as:

  • Neck
  • Diaper area
  • Armpits
  • Skinfolds

You can easily treat the baby yourselves by having a cool and a dry environment and having the baby dressed up in loose-fitting clothes. Prickly heat can also affect the baby during the winters and therefore it must be understood that the baby does not need to be bundled up excessively. Dressing the baby in layers will be the better option because the layers can be easily removed when things get warmer.

Baby’s skin is highly sensitive and is prone to the conditions we have described in this article. Most are not serious enough to warrant medical attention and can be managed from home just by educating yourself on how they can be managed.

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