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Everything You Need To Know About Elimination Diet

How Does It Work?

The whole idea is about changing your diet for few weeks by slashing out certain foods that could be causing you trouble. The problem can be anything such as inflammation, pain, diarrhea or headaches. If the issues get solved, then you add the nosh back one at a time so that you can see which one is evil doer.

How Long Does It Take?

Symptoms usually go away within 4 weeks after changing the diet. If they haven’t stopped even after 8 weeks, then those foods  aren’t the culprit.

What Can It Tell Me?

This method is used  to diagnose and treat allergies, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance (celiac disease),chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue,mood or attention disorders, and other conditions.

Could It Be How It’s Prepared?

Even if you have figured it out, its could be still hard to know why its the trouble maker. Is it the food itself or the way it has been raised, processed, and seasoned? If you cant resist pork, try something that’s raised organically or preserved without nitrates, or grill or broil,instead of frying it in fat. With careful observation, you can know how to get rid of your symptoms and still have what you love to.  

What Are Some Common Reasons to Use the Diet?

If you feel dairy is causing you diarrhea,gas, and bloating, then elimination diet can help in validating it. Such symptoms are also caused by celiac disease. If you have those condition and eat anything that has gluten, your immune system will hit your small intestine. Here elimination diet can help you to figure it out.

Can It Help Ease Pain?

Some foods can cause  inflammation in some people, especially those that have sugar or are highly processed, such as frozen pizza and microwave dinners. If you slashout or limit such foods maybe you start feeling better.

What Foods Do You Cut for Pain or Inflammation?

If you know which food is causing trouble then, start with it. If not, sugar,dairy,  packaged foods,  or processed foods are mostly tried first. Some people also giveaway gluten. If none of those work, you might take beef, corn,pork, eggs, shellfish, coffee, chocolate, or tea out of your eating habit to check if it makes any difference to give relief.

Can It Help With ADHD?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is often diagnosed in children and sometimes in adults too. Research is still going on, however some studies suggests that elimination diet can help about 25% of patients who have at least some of ADHD symptoms.

Can It Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

It can be very helpful for some individual, however it’s not so easy to do. It’s because it’s hard to slash out some of the figured out food culprits of IBS. A group of certain carbohydrates called by the acronym FODMAPs can be tough for your stomach to process. Such foods includes apples, peaches,plums, onions, cauliflower, or other fruits and vegetables, along with some foods and drinks that are high-fructose corn syrup. It can cause fluid or gas buildup,bloating and belly pain. Consult your doctor for proper remedy.

Should You See a Doctor Before You Start?

Yes. When you slash out some food, it definitely affect other  conditions and treatment. Certain medications like blood pressure, diabetic, blood thinners or dosage need to be changed. Plus there is also a risk of not getting sufficient nutrients if you slash out too many foods from your diet. If your symptoms are getting worse, see your doctor as soon as possible as he should be always your first line of defense.

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