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How Dwayne Johnson Gave Dying Cancer Patient Courage to Fight the Disease

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has won a lot of his matches and personal fights over the years. We see him as one the toughest nut in Hollywood who has such a high tolerance to pain that you’ll never see him wince after getting hurt, but when it comes to emotions and feelings, this big guy is a softie at heart. Johnson is a family-oriented man who would rather bear the pain himself than see his loved ones suffer.

Take, for instance, the time when he couldn’t save the 14-year-old Jayvis Ilar who is currently battling a deadly tumor. Since The Rock couldn’t help Jayvis beat the aggressive brain cancer called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), he sent him a special surprise that will melt your hearts.

The former wrestler sent some words of encouragement to Ilar to beat the aggressive cancerous cells even though the doctors have announced that the little lad may not live for long after his diagnoses in 2018. At least he has people like The Rock and other celebrities encouraging him to stay strong.

The Rock told Ilar in a video message to stay strong and fight to the finish. The brain tumor is a rare disease that affects the brain’s stem that controls heart rate nerves, breathing, the five senses, and muscles. Ilar has a problem moving around and has affected him without measures. Our prayers are with you Ilar.

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