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Lena Dunham Says Gaining Weight Was The Best Decision She Ever Made

Gaining weight can be scary for people, especially celebrities who want to maintain their physcial appearance and look presentable in the public eye. But, not everyone is the same way when it comes to weight gain, in fact, some celebrities have been trying to put on weight to live a healthier life. Take for instance Lena Dunham who isn’t stressed about what other people think of her, especially after the recent changes in her appearance. For years, she was obsessed with her weight and was completely caught up in the unhealthy culture of looking skinny in order to be more desirable in the entertainment industry.

She has tried living her life for others and now wants to focus on her own happiness and wellbeing. Lena said letting go of what everyone is thinking, reading and writing about her was the best decision she made. She is happy with the way she looks and has no plans of lowering her body weight.

For a long time, Lena’s body has been talked about in public especially due to her issue with endometriosis. When she lost weight, people didn’t hold back their criticisms about her appearance, and some even went as far as to bully and ridicule her.

She spent years enduring name-calling from bullies and internet trolls. The shaming affected her so much that she almost harmed herself with drugs and treatments. Today, she is happier and doesn’t give a care what someone thinks of her.

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