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Energy Boosting Foods Which Are Effective Against COPD


COPD Or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Causes Difficulties With Breathing Forcing People To Make Some Adjustments To Their Diet.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease aka COPD is a lung disease which is quite common. People suffering from COPD have difficulties with breathing and can be affected by chronic bronchitis where the most common symptom is consistent coughing with mucus, or emphysema which damages the lungs over a period of time.

Apart from the respective treatment and medication,  people must also make some adjustments to their diet in order to have the energy needed to function effectively throughout the day. Let’s have a look at the most popular energy-boosting foods and other effective tips to follow when dealing with COPD.

Having A Proper Diet Is Essential For COPD Patients

Patients with COPD will need more energy for breathing and the muscles needed for this function will utilize more than 10 times the calories because of the effort needed to make air move through the airways. Trying to replace the lost calories can result in weight again. Therefore, people must understand this problem and keep a healthy balance with their nutritional requirements.

People with COPD May Be Required To Eat More Often


Smaller Meals Should Be Had By People Suffering from COPD.

People with COPD often find it difficult to eat when they are having difficulties with breathing. They can easily overcome this problem by having smaller meals 4 to 6 times per day.

The smaller meals will provide them the extra calories they need while at the same time, keep them away from tiredness and the feeling of fullness. However, they will be required to make proper food choices.

Starting with the Breakfast Designed for COPD Patients

People with COPD have high energy levels in the morning and they are recommended to have their largest meal during breakfast. They should be including oatmeal and whole-wheat toast which will provide them with a good portion of the recommended fiber the body needs for the day.

It is suggested that the oatmeal should be taken with milk and berries in order to obtain the antioxidants and protein without choosing sugar which can also provide the desired calories.

Nutritious Foods Must Be Had Initially

When people begin to feel fatigued while eating, they should begin having the high-calorie foodstuff before they head towards the other foods on their dish. The high-calorie foodstuff can provide them extra protein and some of the examples which can be suggested is chicken, lean meat, and baked fish. Desserts such as ice cream, pies, and cakes should be left for the end of the meal because they are not nutritious enough.

Having Cheese Is Beneficial For People with COPD

Cheese, which is made from skimmed milk, is a good source of calcium. Cheese should be added to foods such as rice, potatoes or vegetables for having calories needed moderately and also to derive the calcium needed for the stability of the bones.

Having Plenty of Fluids

People with COPD must ensure they have plenty of fluids because it keeps the mucus in their lungs thinner. They should be making efforts to avoid congestion in their lungs because it tends to block air further. It is also recommended they do not have fluids before a meal because it will make them feel fuller.

They must complete their meals initially and thereafter have the fluids. Some people suffering from COPD are required to gain some weight and in such cases, they are recommended to have milk instead of water. Milk can cause weight gain and provide their body with protein, calcium and vitamin D which will prove beneficial.

However, they must make all attempts to avoid drinks with caffeine such as coffee, energy drinks, sodas and even chocolate. Caffeine can increase restlessness among the people leaving them jittery and nervous and worsening the symptoms of COPD.

Gas-Inducing Foods Must Be Avoided


COPD Patients Must Identify Gas-Inducing Foods And Avoid Them.

Patients suffering from COPD must understand that gas-inducing foods can increase their difficulties with breathing. Some of the most common gas-inducing foods which COPD patients should  avoid are the following:

Carbonated drinks, fried and spicy foods, vegetables of certain varieties such as cabbage and broccoli. An attempt must also be made to understand that every individual is different. Therefore the method of identifying the foodstuff which affects them negatively should also be an exercise conducted by COPD patients. They can begin avoiding the foods which are causing them problems after they have identified them.

People with COPD are often recommended diuretics’ medications to help normalize the fluids in their body. The medications provided can create a loss of potassium. The potassium which is lost can be replaced by having foods which are rich in this component including oranges, bananas, potatoes, and tomatoes. People can also include eggs in their diet to offset any weight loss but must ensure that the eggs are cooked well and avoid having raw eggs in order to stay away from food poisoning.

Having a proper diet that can boost the patient’s energy level is an essential requirement. They are therefore advised to have a discussion with their treating physician to obtain the proper advice on the energy-boosting foods which are effective against COPD.

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